Farewell to April’s Featured Member, boyred77

Farewell to April’s Featured Member, boyred77

depuis Recon News

29 avril 2015

Boyred77's time as Featured Member has come to a close. He's been a great guy to chat with, and I'm sure you'll agree, he's pretty easy on the eye dressed in leather.

If you've not had a chance to message him, go check out his profile now. You won't be disappointed! Also, if you're going to IML, be sure to say hi to him!

We asked him for some thoughts on being Featured Member. Here's what he had to say:

"It's been a wonderful experience. I've loved chatting with guys all across the globe.
Sharing kink stories and experiences and helping others find theirselves. See you at IML guys"

Thanks for being our April Featured Member, boyred77!

If you'd like to apply to be Featured Member, send your Recon username to: social@recon.com