The #FWL2023 Sports Cruise party is, without doubt, the sexiest gear party of the week, and welcomes all sports kit fans to come down and get hot and sweaty.
There’s hot house beats and hand-raising pop on the dancefloor, and the outdoor terrace has become a favourite spot for socialising with other sporty kinksters. It’s definitely a welcome spot for cooling down after you’ve experienced some of your locker room wank fantasies in the play area and cruising maze.
What to wear!
The party has a dedicated dress code that’s open to all things sporty:
GEAR: Trackies, Cycling, Trainers, Rugby, Lycra, Superhero, Moto, Football, Soccer, Boxing, Scally, Swim, Jocks, Wrestling, Gym Kit, Cycling, Sport shorts, Sneakers & Socks, Etc...
You get the idea. Just make it sporty.
TICKETS: £15.00
DOORS: 10pm - 4am
VENUE: FIRE, Vauxhall