WIN: Framed Photographic Prints of FWL2016 Artwork

WIN: Framed Photographic Prints of FWL2016 Artwork

from Recon News

21 September 2016

We're giving you the chance to win one of six framed pieces of artwork from Fetish Week London 2016.

Photographed by top fetish photographer Matt Spike, each image is unique with no other copies having been printed.

We're giving away a print of the artwork from: Fetish on Display, Bondage Masterclass, Sports Cruise, Fetish Week Dinner, Skinhead and Deconstruction.

Here's how to win: We want you to make a guess at the number of guys who attended Full Fetish during FWL2016. The six guys who answer correctly - or closest to the figure without going over - will receive one of the prints.

Email us your answer and your Recon username as well as your three preferences for the images (which you can see by clicking the links below). We'll allocate the winner's preference print in order of the closest answers.

Send email to:

This is your chance to win a unique piece of fetish artwork, so put your thinking caps on give it a shot.

*Entrance to competition closes on Friday 30 September 2016. Winner will be selected and announced on Monday 3 October 2016