We check in with some of our Featured Members of 2015. Part 2

We check in with some of our Featured Members of 2015. Part 2

from Recon News

27 December 2015

Over the course of 2015 we've had nine hot, horny fetish men be our Featured Members. As the year draws to a close we thought we'd check in with them to see what they've been up to since their time in the Recon spotlight. Here's what some of them had to report:

"2015 has been an Extraordinary year for me! In March, I won the title of Mr Leather UK and then placed 3rd Runner up at International Mr Leather in Chicago! I've had the opportunity to travel around Europe and the US to many Leather and Fetish events, a real highlight being Folsom Berlin...And to round up my title year, I'm a guest of honour at Sydney Mardi Gras in March 2016!
I'd like to take this opportunity to thank the team at Recon for making me their Featured Member for May and for asking me to attend and host several events over Fetish Week London. You do an Amazing job fellas and it's been a Joy to get to know you!

Wishing everyone at Recon and all your Wonderful Twisted Members, A Fantastic Christmas and a Perverted New Year!"

"This year, in the month of August, I had the chance of being the Recon featured member and I have to admit that I was aroused the whole month about the multiple messages of support I received.  Some of them really melted me away and others just made me experience a quick hard... well, you all know, hehehe. Being in the spotlight for 31 days was an amazing experience and it allowed me to be a little bit more visible in the scene and make some new kinky friends. I really enjoy the fetish world but I have never taken part in it as an active member since the Recon guys gave me this opportunity. One whole month of showing myself as I am and the kinky things I like, sharing experiences and impressions with other hot guys and a great opportunity as well as overcoming my shyness and leaving some stupid fears behind. With all of this, I can only say thanks to the Recon Team for giving me the chance and thinking of me as a good face to represent the company (you all really had more confidence in me than myself, haha) and thanks as well to everyone on the fetish scene for the support and for making things like this happen. Now, what's coming next?"

"I've been great and have loved connecting with people from all over the world from being featured. I wanted to thank Recon for choosing me to be Featured Member as it has opened doors that were closed and met many great people because of it."

"Hello, it's me (again), your featured member of November.

As the latest FM there is not really much to tell you kinky guys, so i'm just going to sent you a cheeky holiday greeting and wish you a merry XXX-mas! May you all have been naughty in a nice way.

I hope You'll find lots of toys under the tree this year!

Christmas is a time for giving and sharing and a time to reflect on the year that has been, and I honestly can't ask for a better 2015. So all I wish this year, is for you guys, to stay safe and take care of each other! May 2016 bring you a jolly good time. (Who am I kidding! All I wish for, is a hunky beefy stud to lay in my bed every night lol)

Merry Christmas Recon Members and Happy horny New Year to all of you!"

A massive thank you to all our Featured Members for taking part this year. They're all such great guys, and if you've not checked out their profiles you should do so now! If you want to see more of them, we've been posting new pics of them on Recon social media.

If you'd like to apply to be a Featured Member, please send your Recon username to: social@recon.com