Use the ‘Favourites’ option for quick access to your Recon men

Use the ‘Favourites’ option for quick access to your Recon men

from Recon News

12 January 2016

Keep up-to-date with your friends and fetish favourites on Recon with the Favourites section on the site and apps.

If you come across a guy you want to have quick access to, or want to reach friends without having to go through your messages or member lists, add them to your Favourites section.

Just select the 'Friend or Favourite' button below their profile pic, then select which one you want them to be: friends will receive a friend request; favourites will not be notified that you follow them.

The best thing about Favourites is that if the guy makes any changes to their profile, such as pictures or details, you'll be notified on your homepage on the Recon site. This way you'll get to know about any filthy new pics or parties they're going to first!