Photos have now been uploaded from all Fetish Week London 2012 events.

Photos have now been uploaded from all Fetish Week London 2012 events.

from Recon News

03 August 2012

July 9-15, Recon hosted their third annual Fetish Week London.

Thousands of guys descended on the city for the UK’s largest all-male fetish event. There were over 50 parties and events taking place. If you were in Vauxhall or Soho over the weekend, you couldn’t have missed the hot and sexy fetish boys around town.

“Putting the event together and coordinating everything is a huge challenge, but I’m enjoying it more and more”, says Recon Events Manager Antoin. “It’s great to see soooo many guys out – very hot – and up for it too. I chatted with a group of guys that came from Australia, a number of Americans and even a guy that came from Japan. Our aim is to make Fetish Week London a destination event and the success of this year’s event shows us that we’re heading in the right direction. Plans for FWL 2013 are already under way.”

Check out the past event galleries for photos of some of the hot guys that were in town.

You won’t want to miss if next year.

Photos by Chris Jepson