July’s Featured Member is a Scottish gear enthusiast

July’s Featured Member is a Scottish gear enthusiast

from Recon News

03 July 2016

As you might well be aware, July brings Fetish Week London. When we were looking for a new Featured Member we looked for someone who'd be attending this year. We got lucky when we came across our chosen member, as they happen to look great in gear too.

Based in Glasgow, this self-proclaimed gear enthusiast looks good in rubber, sports, jocks - pretty much anything he puts on. He's also a funny guy who's not one to shy away from social occasions…or social media for that matter - check out his twitter (@kenflaw) for regularly updated gear pics.

We gave you a taste of him already in the FWL2016 guide, but now it's time to get to know him a whole lot better. We'll be catching up with him throughout Fetish Week as he acts as a correspondent of sorts - so be sure to keep your eye out for him during the week.

Presenting July's Featured Member, the one and only: Kenf