Featured Member Kenf talks to us about Fetish Week

Featured Member Kenf talks to us about Fetish Week

from Recon News

09 July 2016

We caught up with Featured Member for July, Kenf to chat with him about Fetish Week London. We chatted with him about his previous FWL experience, and what to expect from him at #FWL2016.

Recon: Hi Kenf
Have you got your gear all ready for #FWL2016?

Kenf: Hopefully! It's always a worry. Not being able to bring everything down with me is a bit of a challenge. I have to pre-plan my outfits for each event. Then a couple of options in case I change my mind on the day, which usually happens as I've left a key piece to an outfit back home by mistake. But there is always the option of just treating myself to something new once I'm there!

R: What gear can guys expect to see you in? What are your favourite types of gear?

K: A bit of everything really. I like to mix it up: Thursday - Lycra. Friday - Unknown. Saturday - Leather. Sunday -Rubber, obviously. I have drawers full of gear that I rarely get to wear back home, unless working it into a casual look for work/a night out. I've noticed over the last year or so my gear style has taken on a lot more of a 'sports' look. Anything easy to wear, looks effortless and that lasts a good couple of hours in works for me.

R: We picked you as Featured Member as we saw you a lot around at last year's FWL. Which were your favourite events last year and why?

K: I'm honoured you asked. Last year was amazing as always. A highlight to my summer. Full Fetish as always is the crowning jewel of the whole week. It's the perfect event for all the best reasons. Set in a fantastic location with a perfect balance of social/dancing/playing and it's available to all different kinds of kinks. What more could you ask for really?

R: Where can guys expect to see you this year? What events are you looking forward to?

K: Oooh. Everywhere? Fetish Week pairs perfectly with my birthday so it's the perfect excuse to celebrate. And it's the big 2-5 this year so making the most of "The year of Kenflaw" and doing all the things I've been putting off. And the full week has been on my bucket list for a while. Especially after following the shenanigans online that I'd missed last summer. Although maybe not the dinner. No one should witness "this" eating. It's far from pretty...

R: Not only do you attend events like FWL, but you've been a member for quite a while.
How long have you been a member for? Have you met some good guys?

K: 6 Years now?... *checks profile* Yeah. Coming up on 6 years. Wow. Feels like only yesterday I was practically innocent...

Good guys? Try fucking awesome guys. Some of the best people I know are thanks to Recon and the events you guys host. It has put me in touch with some pretty spectacular people which I'm very happy about!