COMPETITION: Recon is 15 – The Art of Fetish

COMPETITION: Recon is 15 – The Art of Fetish

from Recon News

15 May 2015

As part of our 15th birthday celebration we'll be doing various competitions throughout the year. This month we've decided to get a bit arty.

We currently have five large prints of fetish guys on our walls, and they've been with us for many years. We wanted to give our members the chance to win a part of Recon history, so we decided that it was time to give up the men we've been staring at for so long.

To be in with a chance of winning one of the prints (which you can see by selecting the links below), please email your Recon username, name and address, and the answer to the below question to:

Please also make note of which print you would prefer (though we can't guarantee you'll receive your favourite). Competition ends at 1200H GMT on Monday 18th May2015. The winners will be notified by email.

Question: Which year did we change our name from to*

Best of luck

*Clue – you can find the answer in the #FWL2015 guide