April app release news.

April app release news.

from Recon News

16 April 2014

We keep giving you more from your Recon apps. Download the new version of our Android or iPhone app now for a host of new features!

We've added member name search, allowing you to find contacts and friends with one simple tap.

Who's checking you out? Get cruised and a push notification will be sent every time someone gives you the once over. Who knows where it will take you! The cruise function is a signature Recon feature and a perfect icebreaker. There's also a new badge in the drawer menu that shows how many people have viewed your profile since you last checked.

Friends! We're very excited about the new Friends tab on member profiles. Give it a tap to see their friends - more men into your type of kink to choose from in one tap. It's a popular feature on the Recon website so we know you will love it on the app. Premium members can also add friends and accept friend requests on the Favourites tab.

Olá! Sexy Latin kinksters are now joining the Recon community in the hundreds. We've added Portuguese to our apps and website so our global reach across Europe and South America is now hot, hot, hot.

Events - our Events feature is also now available in five languages: English, French, German, Spanish, and of course, Portuguese. Get out there and have some fun.

More voices, more choices, more Recon reasons to tap your app.

Enjoy all the extra attention.